London protest against anti-protest bill

by Deji Olay, London Socialist Party

London Demo, photo Mary Finch SP

300-400 marched from Russell Square through the streets of west London to the headquarters of Scotland Yard. Protesters continued to draw connections between the campaign for the right to protest and the many other campaigns that continue to be fought.

Socialist Party member Cammilla Mngaza and others spoke on the injustice that is being fought against in the Free Siyanda Campaign and the Black Lives Matter movement. State attacks against the gypsy, Roma and traveller community and their homes were also raised.

There was also a strong sense of international solidarity. Brazilian flags were waved as protesters took the opportunity to show their anger against Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro, and his failure to protect working people throughout the Covid crisis.

There was continued support for the Palestinian people following recent worsening brutality by the Israeli state. With UK police looking to increase their stop-and-search powers, it’s clear that these protests will continue.