by Adam Powell-Davies
East London Socialist Party members were out again on 21 May in Stratford, campaigning for a socialist fightback to the cost-of-living crisis.
One pensioner told us of her shock when she received her energy bill. She explained that her pension pays the bills, while her husband’s pension pays the rent. Only a little gets left over for things like food and transport. We say the nationalisation of the energy companies is needed to meaningfully tackle growing fuel poverty.
Our call for a £15-an-hour minimum wage was popular, providing a concrete measure that could drastically improve the lives of working people now, as prices continue to spiral. As the cost-of-living crisis deepens, our socialist ideas are gaining more traction.
Five more people expressed an interest in attending meetings or joining the Socialist Party. One school student asked if we had meetings before we had the chance to mention it ourselves.
Our success this week in reaching new people interested in our demands and our party points towards a growing mood that says: things can’t go on like this.