by Oscar Parry, South East London Socialist Party
When we were campaigning in Stockwell, South London, we met new people interested in joining the Socialist Party. These were mainly young people, who want to get more politically active, but weren’t sure what they could do until they met us on the streets fighting back against austerity.
Somebody from Chile made a donation, saying: “I will never forgot what the socialists managed to do under Allende in 1973” — referring to the Chilean president’s nationalisation of parts of the Chilean economy, and providing of subsidised food to the poorest people too. This was before he was violently killed in a CIA-backed coup.
Linking the fight for socialism in Britain to the international struggle is always important. We are planning on bringing international papers from our sister parties in Ireland and Nigeria to our next campaign stall.
The Socialist Party has been out campaigning for proper funding for the NHS, and supporting the junior doctors’ strikes, outside the station. We link this to the need for a workers’ alternative to Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak and Labour under Starmer — both have promised increased privatisation.
Being able to advertise a national event like Socialism 2023 was a big help. It proved we are a serious organisation.