End Violence against Women
by Helen Pattison, London Socialist Party Regional Secretary
Six months and here we are again, remembering another woman murdered. That was one of the big emotions on the vigil for Sabina Nessa near her home in Kidbrooke, south London.
The Socialist Party leaflet read: ‘Enough is enough — end violence against women’. Many people wanted our leaflets, and some requested posters saying they would put them in their windows.

Kidbrooke, south London
Women face violence at alarming levels, both inside and outside the home, in education, and at work. Although, this time, we didn’t face the same violence from police which we saw at the vigils and protests for Sarah Everard.
Many will ask, what has actually been done to oppose violence against women? Local authorities continue to cut refuges services, turn off street lighting and let women live in violent homes.
The Tories are removing the £20-a-week Universal Credit increase which will leave many women out of pocket. One of the speakers linked the cuts to services women rely on and inequality in society with the demand to end to violence against women.
The anger and grief was palpable. Let’s use it to build a movement to challenge and end all violence against women, and fight for a real alternative to the vicious sexist and oppressive system of capitalism.
Vigil for Sabina Nessa
by James Ivens, London Socialist Party
Thousands joined the vigil in Greenwich this evening for the murdered teacher Sabina Nessa. London Socialist Party was there in support, with leaflets calling for a mass movement to end sexism and violence. Capitalist exploitation and division breeds violence and sexist attitudes – while the politicians who defend capitalism slash the services women need to escape it.