by a Haringey NEU member
Teachers and support staff at Highgate Wood School were on strike on 4 July, and again on 10-11 July. National Education Union (NEU) members balloted overwhelmingly for sustained and escalating action against a pay cut imposed on a number of members who have responsibilities in creative subjects.
A restructuring was imposed, reflecting the Conservatives’ downgrading of these subjects within the curriculum, and the school’s own budget deficit.

Photo: Harringey NEU
Staff are demanding that a shadow structure is retained whereby the affected members retain their current pay and conditions until their posts become vacant.
On the basis of an ‘injury to one is an injury to all’, members are determined that they should not pay the price for decisions entirely beyond their control. If agreement is not reached this term, the ballot covers escalating action into the next school year.
At this time especially, school leaders should not be implementing discredited Tory policies and austerity measures, and should instead be holding the new Labour government to account for their promises on education.